Research Sociology / Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship
Bielefeld University is honouring the influential sociologist Niklas Luhmann by establishing a visiting professorship named after him.
Niklas Luhmann, one of the most influential sociologists of the 20th century, shaped Bielefeld University from 1968 until his retirement as its first professor. His outstanding contributions to sociological theory have significantly shaped the international perception of the university, both in the scientific and non-scientific public.
In 2005, the Faculty of Sociology and the Rectorate of Bielefeld University established the Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship. The aim of this initiative is to attract internationally recognised social theorists. In this way, the university offers students and a broad academic and non-academic public the opportunity to experience groundbreaking and innovative theories at first hand.
The current Niklas Luhmann Visiting Professorship is held by Prof. Dr Karin Knorr-Cetina. Part of the guest residency is the doctoral seminar Social Theory for the Digital Age.