Research at the Faculty of Sociology is diverse and spans a range of subdisciplines in Sociology, Political Science and Social Anthropology. One distinct trademark is cross-disciplinary work, such as for example in research on world society, gender or labour market research.
Entwicklung eines Monitorings für die politische Bildung in Deutschland
Hedtke R, Abs HJ, Engartner T, Oberle M, Heijens M, Hellmich SN, Hulkovych V, Huschle L, Wasenitz S (2025) In: Blickpunkt Bildungsmonitoring – Bilanzen und Perspektiven. Albers A, Jude N (Eds); Weinheim: Beltz Juventa: 263-277.
(Technik-)Soziologische Charakteristika prädiktiver Algorithmen
Egbert S (2025) In: Digitalisierung als total social fact der Kriminalwissenschaften . Kusche C, Stefanopoulou G (Eds); Baden-Baden: Nomos: 29-44.
What defines deservingness? Specifying the criteria for target groups constructions in public policy
Blum S, Kuhlmann J (2025) : 1-22.
Völliger Verzicht auf Hierarchie - Eine Illusion?
Kühl S (2025) : S. 22-23.
The Faculty of Sociology works on a wide range of research topics. These research topics range from work and digitalization, migration and social theories, to world society and world politics.
View research projectsIn addition to individually and collaboratively conducted research and writing projects, much of the research is externally funded, ranging from single to collaborative and long-term projects.
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