Research of the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University

Research Sociology Bielefeld University

Research at the Faculty of Sociology is diverse and spans a range of subdisciplines in Sociology, Political Science and Social Anthropology. One distinct trademark is cross-disciplinary work, such as for example in research on world society, gender or labour market research.

Research Sociology Bielefeld University

Was die Perspektive verzerrt

Kühl S (22.07.2024) .


Niklas Luhmann: Das Recht der Gesellschaft (1993)

Bora A (2024) In: Soziologische Theorien des Rechts. Eine Einführung anhand von Schlüsseltexten. Bora A, Kretschmann A (Eds); Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft: 275-288.


Alltagsrassismus in den Sozialen Medien – Regionale Unterschiede von Rassismen und Stereotypisierungen auf Twitter

Knauff S, Kühne S, Tsolak D (2024) In: Alltagsrassismus. Polat A, Joseph-Magwood AM (Eds); Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH: 137-149.


Research projects

Research projects

The Faculty of Sociology works on a wide range of research topics. These research topics range from work and digitalization, migration and social theories, to world society and world politics.

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Research projects
Research subjects

Research subjects

Research subjects

In addition to individually and collaboratively conducted research and writing projects, much of the research is externally funded, ranging from single to collaborative and long-term projects.

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News from sociology

29. Mai 2024 - Zeitschrift für Soziologie weiterhin im Golden Open Access

16. Mai 2024 - 70 Prozent nahmen Substanzen zur Erhöhung geistiger Leistung

15. Mai 2024 - New Paper by Sattler and Colleagues on the Prevalence of Legal, Prescription, and Illegal Drugs Aiming at Cognitive Enhancement

15. Mai 2024 - Dr. Jule Adriaans receives Jowell-Kaase Early Career Researcher Prize

8. Mai 2024 - ZfS-Aufsatz erhält Christel Hopf-Preis 2023

7. Mai 2024 - Neuer Sammelband "Shifting Security and Power Constellations in Central Asia and the Caucasus" erschienen

29. April 2024 - Tom Kaden erhält Franz-Xaver-Kaufmann-Preis

Interesting things from the faculty

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